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User Guide

Duke is a desktop app for managing tasks, optimised for use via a command line interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Duke can manage and organise your tasks faster than traditional GUI apps.

Quick start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest Duke Jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Duke program.
  4. Double click the file to start the app for Windows, or run java -jar duke.jar for Mac. You should see the below GUI after a few seconds: landing page
  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.

Some example commands you can try:


ℹ️ Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    eg. in todo DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION is a parameter which can be used as todo study.
  • Items with ... after them can be used multiple times but at least once, separated by a comma.
    eg find KEYWORD... can be used as find study or find study cs2103t.
  • Parameters must be in the order specified.
  • Command is case-insensitive.

Adding a todo : todo

Adds a ToDo. A ToDo is a task with only a description.

Format: todo d/DESCRIPTION


Adding a Deadline : deadline

Adds a Deadline. A Deadline is a task with a description and the deadline by which the task must be completed.

Format: deadline d/DESCRIPTION /by t/TIME_DATE

⚠️ For TIME_DATE parameters in both deadline and event features, Duke is accepts all formats including text, Duke is also able to recognize the date format YYYY-MM-DD and display it as dd-MMM-yyyy.


💡 Tip: If you uncertain, you can key the date as unknown, and update it later on!

Adding an Event : event

Adds an Event. An Event is a task with a description and the time/day when the event is occurring.

Format: event d/DESCRIPTION /at t/TIME_DATE

ℹ️ Refer to Adding a deadline: deadline to find out about date formats.


Listing all Tasks : list

Shows a list of all Tasks stored.

Format: list

Finding Tasks by keyword : find

Finds Tasks whose descriptions contain the all given keywords.

Format: find k/KEYWORD


Expected outcome:
  Here are the matching tasks in your list:

   1. [D][✘] CS2100 Assignment 1 (by 12 Sep 2020 2:00 PM)

   2. [E][✘] Finals for CS2100 (at 15 Oct 2020 2:00 PM)

Deleting a Task : delete

Deletes the specified Task at the index.

Format: delete i/INDEX

ℹ️ INDEX refers to the index of the task shown in the displayed person list.


Completing a Task : done

Marks a task as done.

Format: done i/INDEX

ℹ️ INDEX refers to the index of the task shown in the displayed person list.

Example of usage:

Updating a Task : update

Updates a Task at the specified index and completely overwrites the Task to be updated.

Format: update i/INDEX t/TASK

ℹ️ TASK refers to the updated task, and its format should be one of the Tasks formats. Refer to


Expected Outcome:

[E][✘] Finals for CS2100 (at 15 Oct 2020)

 updated to

[E][✘] CS2103 Lecture (at 05 Dec 2020)

Updating the time/date of Deadline/Event : updateTime

Updates the date/time of a Deadline/Event at the specified index.

Format: updateTime i/INDEX t/TIME_DATE


Expected Outcome:

[E][✘] Finals for CS2100 (at 15 Oct 2020)

 updated to

[E][✘] Finals for CS2100 (at 05 Dec 2020)

Updating the description of a Task : updateDesc

Updates the description of a Task at the specified index.

Format: updateDesc i/INDEX d/DESCRIPTION


Expected Outcome:

[E][✘] Finals for CS2100 (at 15 Oct 2020)

 updated to

[E][✘] study (at 15 Oct 2020)

Exiting the program

Exits the program.

Format: Bye

Saving the data

Duke data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

💡 Data is stored in /duke.txt relative to the home folder.

Command summary

Action | Format | Examples —— | —— | ——– todo | todo DESCRIPTION | todo read book deadline | deadline DESCRIPTION /by TIME_DATE | deadline assignment /by 2021-05-12 event | event DESCRIPTION /at TIME_DATE | event meeting /at tmr list | list find | find KEYWORDS | find read, find read book done | done INDEX | done 2 delete | delete INDEX | delete 1 update | update INDEX TASK | update 1 todo read book updateTime | updateTime INDEX TIME_DATE | updateTime 2 2020-12-01 updateDesc | updateDesc INDEX DESCRIPTION | updateDesc 5 study bye | bye